Monday, January 25, 2010

Winter Entertainment

It is been quite some time since I have been able to update my blog without little Cambria barging in. While she was out in Cali having warm southern California adventures, I got stuck back in Ohio to watch the pond freeze and snow fall. I have taken to spending my days on my pillow that is strategically placed by the heat vent. It helps me dream of the warm days I spent on the back deck in Torrance.

Anyway, you are probably wondering what we are doing to keep ourselves entertained when it is so cold outside? Well, Cambria and Harley and I are causing quite a bit of trouble. First, Cambria is taking to wearing everyones' shoes around the house. She typically holds on to Harley to steady herself. Next, my mom pulled out some nifty water dish that she calls a water table to entertain the little C in the kitchen. I just bug Cambria by drinking the water out from under her boats and toys.

Hoping that this weekend's entertainment does not include snow...even though I hear it's in the forecast.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

A True Fish

So...I have taken over Frank's blog for a few posts and I promised him that after today, I would give him his authoring rights back. I told him that I had one final story to tell and then his blog is back in his control.

One thing I learned recently is how much I love the ocean. You see, my parents love the ocean and I think I am taking after them. The difference, they don't run into crashing waves with all of their clothes on...just I do. I think I am a true FISH.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Christmas in Cali

I mentioned a couple of posts ago that I have taken over Frank's blog for a few. He had to stay back in Ohio over Christmas while I got the chance to travel out to California for a couple weeks to enjoy some sun, sand, waves and lots of friends and family for the holiday. My Christmas in Cali was action packed with lots of fun. For Christmas eve, I got to go to The Grove and Santa Monica Farmer's Market to have breakfast with my mom's cousin and her family and my Auntie Jen and cousin's Reynie and Rowan. I also got the chance to have Christmas eve with my cousins and my new friend Liam. On Christmas Day, I got to hang at Grammie B's house to open presents with everyone including Amelia and Auntie top it all off...I got to spend Christmas evening at Auntie Juliet's house with Liam. much celebrating and so little time. Nothin' like Christmas in Cali.

Workin' Girl

So...while I was out in California for Christmas vacation, my dad had to drop into the office a couple times to get some work done. After I had lunch with my LOBOS buddies, I decided to drop-in on my dad (Dave) to help him quickly wrap up his conference calls and emails. Gary...I think I am ready for project management. Cheers from this lil' workin' girl. :)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Santa Visits a Little Early

So I know this post is not early but my holiday season was so hectic that I didn't get the chance to let the world know that my mom put in a call to the Big Man at the North Pole to see if he could come a little early since I was going all the way to California for his big day. Thanks to mom's negotiation skills, Santa dropped off a shiny new vacuum just for me. I love it. Now, I won't have to follow my dad around like a bad smell every time he sucks up dust around the house...I can do it all by myself.

Dressing the Xmas Tree

HI! It's me, Cambria. I asked Frank the rather plump weenie dog to take a break for a few so I could take over his blog. I have a lot to share these experiences...and new toys thanks to this great holiday called Christmas. Check out a few pics of me helping my mom dress the tree we got after our first one was nabbed at the tree farm. I love these sparkelly ornament things.