Thursday, December 18, 2008

No Longer Dreaming of a White Christmas

Before I get started here I just want to say that I look like an ABSOLUTE DORK with jingle bells on. I went to my favorite place to get a bath and run around on the farm and Carla (the dog groomer) thought it would be cute to put jingle bells on both me and Harley. Harley kind of looks like a reindeer and she is definitely as bright as a reindeer (reindeer are not smart...except Santa's of course). Anyway, the other night while we were sleeping we got snow. Our first real hefty snow. It is so beautiful. I enjoyed it for all of 30 seconds and that was enough for me. I can see it in all of its wonder right from our warm front window. Don't know about you but us Fishes...we're no longer dreaming of a white just came a week early.

Biter Biscuit

Ok. The kid had her first cookie! No, not Xmas cookies...a thing the humans call "biter biscuit". Personally, I think it tastes like a normal old milkbone dog treat but don't tell my mom that....I don't think she knows that I stole part of Cambria's cookie from her. I am a stealth weenie. Anyway, don't tell Harley either. I told her it tastes like oranges...she doesn't like oranges.

Lights B4 Christmas

Greetings from your canine pal in Ohio. Hope your holiday season is going well. We are having a lot of fun here. Just wanted to tell you about a little known secret in Toledo called "Lights Before Christmas". You see, my mom, dad and Cambria-baby went to the zoo the other night. I know, I thought it was weird to go to the zoo at night too...especially when it is 36 degrees outside. They didn't go to see the animals....well the living animals, anyway. They went to see an incredible light display that is throughout the zoo. Over 1 million lights to be exact. Who knew Toledo could be so cool!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Bad Hair Day

Besides busily writing Christmas cards and making sure all of the presents make it to California, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Arkansas my lil' friend Cambria-baby has had her second cold...ever. You wouldn't really know that she is sick because she has tons of energy except for the little snotty nose that keeps popping up. For a dog, this is good news...I won't say that I have been acting like her canine kleenex but ya know....dogs like little snooty noses. Anyway, the other day she had the worst of her cold and the worst hair I have seen to date. I think she was doing cartwheels in her sleep because when she woke up....she had crazy bad hair and it didn't go away until she had a bath that night. If you are ever short on a box of kleenex or need me to assess how your hair looks, you know who to call.

Baby It's Cold Outside

Greetings from your favorite weenie dog. Lately, we have had a flurry of activity in our house. My mom has been busy making a ton of yummy cookies, candies and cakes for the holidays. Luckily, a morsel or two drops to the floor and I get a tasty treat. Unfortunately has been pretty dreary and cold outside. I have taken to sleeping about 20 hours a day. The kid isn't as bed prone as me though. Poor thing....every time she goes out she has to get dressed up like the abominable snow man.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Dear Martin

So I am plotting a break from my house. You see, the kid is getting more and more attention these days. I have done a few tricks to get attention but it is not good enough for my mom. I have stolen two toys that belong to Cambria is the last two days. Gheez....What else is there to do when it is below freezing outside and even the squirrels have stayed in their trees. Anyway, you are probably wondering who Martin is. He is a full-size daschund that lives at Gayle's house (Erin's pal). Rumor has it that Gayle is coming to visit me next week and I think I am going to sneak into her purse so I can go live with Martin. a dear and make sure there is something warm for me to sleep on.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Turkey Weekend

How was your turkey day?  Well, mine was more than a day, it was a weekend.  We took a road trip to our house in Pennsylvania.  Harley and I (yes Dina, Harley is still alive) had quite a time chasing animals.  My mom was stupid enough to let me off of my leash and I got hot on the heels of a bunny rabbit.  Luckily Harley was there to help track me down in the snow.

Anyway, for Turkey Day we went to Grammie Carol's house and had dinner with Grandpa Roger, Uncle Durland, Auntie Shirley, Uncle Brian, Auntie BethAnn and my two cousins Kelsey and Tom. Oh...and let's not forget Grammie Carol's dog Char who does not like Harley.  It is great when we go to Grammie's house because she doesn't think Harley and I are dogs....she feeds us the people food that everyone else is enjoying. 

Have I told you lately how much I love turkey!

Peas & Carrots

Whew!  Wow...after all that turkey I wasn't sure if I could make it to the computer to send all of yall a message.  Harley and I have been having a great time tracking deer in Pennsylvania but I thought it was important to let you know what the kid has been up too.  

She has become quite a little eater and thus my new best friend. Lately, she has had sweet potatoes, bananas, carrots and peas.  I am so excited she is eating more than that glue tasting cereal.  To steal a line from Forrest Gump, "Cambria and I are becoming like peas and carrots". 

All By Myself

Greetings folks, Cambria here.  I have very exciting news.  I can SIT UP all by myself.  You got hands, no mom, no dad and no Frank.  Check out my new trick and my new Bambi shirt from Mom's favorite store, H&M.  Not only am I big enough to sit on my own but I grew a size too (6-9m).

Friday, November 21, 2008

Things R Just Bigger in Toledo

Over the past few days Mom's best friend Kelly came to the great state of Ohio with her 1-year old Andrew to visit.  We learned that things are just bigger here...if you know what I mean.  For example, you order an omelet it has 6 eggs instead of 3.  Oh, and the city rakes leaves with a bulldozer.  That's right, a bulldozer.  That is how many leaves fell in our neighborhood.  The pic above is the leaf pile just from our one square block.   You got it right, the pile is higher than the stop sign it is next to.

Green Beans

This is your favorite weenie, Frank.  Lately, I feel like a frozen weenie.  I didn't catch a squirrel this season.  They are finally fat enough to catch but it is just too darn cold to chase them.  I think I am going to become a bear for the winter...I am practicing by hibernating in my mom's bed all day.  Good idea, huh?
Anyway, enough about me.  The kid has recently started eating veggies.  She started with green beans.  I am not too sure if she really likes them.  I got a few and I thought they were TASTEY!  Next up on the veggie try-out list, sweet potatoes....mmm, mmm...good.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Fall Baby

Howdy folks, Cambria here.  Whew...I have had a few crazy weeks.  I flew to California, rocked the 50's at my Grandma Barbara and Grandpa Pat's birthday bash, saw my fav peeps- the LOBOS and then flew back to Ohio to find that ALL of the leaves had magically fallen off of all of the trees in 5 days and the weather went from high 60's to 18 degrees.  Yeap...18 whole degrees.  Good thing this baby took a few pics of the leaves before they fell.  Oh...and here are a few pics from my CRAZY week in CA, too.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Howdy folks.  Life here in Ohio is great.  It has been 70 degrees the last few days and I am having a grand ole' time.  I know all of you have been wondering when I was finally going to post the pictures from Halloween.  Well, I am here to tell you...I was one hot hot dog.  Everyone says there is nothing cuter than a baby BUT I beg to differ.  For Halloween, I was a hot dog and again the hit of the neighborhood.  I have found that Ohioans have just as much of a sense of humor as Californians.  Actually, our neighborhood was hoppin' on Hallo-Wienie.  

Yeap.  I renamed the holiday after me.  That is how cute I was.

Now.  You are probably asking...what was the kid wearing.  In honor of her Auntie Val who thought her name should be "Star Fish" (instead of Cambria) she was a starfish.  It was such a big day that Cambria fell asleep while mom was handing out candy.  A big shout out to Grammy Carol for making her costume and coming to Ohio with Grandpa Roger for Hallo-Wienie.  It was a grand time.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Howdy, Cambria here.  Frank is busy doing something he is probably not supposed to do.  So, I took it upon myself to take over his blog for a few posts. 

Last week my Dad (Dave) took a day off of work to go to Gymboree with me and Mom.  We had SO much fun.  Dad even sang a few of the songs.  I think he likes the toys at Gymboree more than I do.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Doggie Paddle

Yesterday morning my mom (Erin) was all excited.  She pulled out a little blue swim suit and Cambria-baby's lime green track suit.  I hung around long enough to figure out that the little one was going to her very first swim class.  Now...the reason I was confused at first was because it was 27 degrees outside.  Who wants to go swimming when it is that cold.  As I stayed comfortably nestled in my parent's bed I also learned that I was not going to be the first to teach Cambria to doggie paddle.  Some retired lady from the University of Toledo was going to do the honors.
Now fast forward two hours.  
I hear my mom come in talking about how Cambria is truly a fish and Cambria went under the water and Cambria kicked her feet..blah...blah...blah.  But when I see Cambria-baby snuggled in her car seat after her first swim lesson she is SOUND asleep.  I guess she didn't realize that doggie paddling takes so much out of you.