Friday, December 5, 2008

Dear Martin

So I am plotting a break from my house. You see, the kid is getting more and more attention these days. I have done a few tricks to get attention but it is not good enough for my mom. I have stolen two toys that belong to Cambria is the last two days. Gheez....What else is there to do when it is below freezing outside and even the squirrels have stayed in their trees. Anyway, you are probably wondering who Martin is. He is a full-size daschund that lives at Gayle's house (Erin's pal). Rumor has it that Gayle is coming to visit me next week and I think I am going to sneak into her purse so I can go live with Martin. a dear and make sure there is something warm for me to sleep on.

1 comment:

Aunt Netta said...

Do think that way. No one could love you more that Erin, Dave and Cambria. Rider thinks that you worry too much! Enjoy being cozy with Cambria, Harley and the humans. Be good or Santa Dog won't bring you any bones for Christmas