Monday, December 1, 2008

Turkey Weekend

How was your turkey day?  Well, mine was more than a day, it was a weekend.  We took a road trip to our house in Pennsylvania.  Harley and I (yes Dina, Harley is still alive) had quite a time chasing animals.  My mom was stupid enough to let me off of my leash and I got hot on the heels of a bunny rabbit.  Luckily Harley was there to help track me down in the snow.

Anyway, for Turkey Day we went to Grammie Carol's house and had dinner with Grandpa Roger, Uncle Durland, Auntie Shirley, Uncle Brian, Auntie BethAnn and my two cousins Kelsey and Tom. Oh...and let's not forget Grammie Carol's dog Char who does not like Harley.  It is great when we go to Grammie's house because she doesn't think Harley and I are dogs....she feeds us the people food that everyone else is enjoying. 

Have I told you lately how much I love turkey!

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