Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Doggie Paddle

Yesterday morning my mom (Erin) was all excited.  She pulled out a little blue swim suit and Cambria-baby's lime green track suit.  I hung around long enough to figure out that the little one was going to her very first swim class.  Now...the reason I was confused at first was because it was 27 degrees outside.  Who wants to go swimming when it is that cold.  As I stayed comfortably nestled in my parent's bed I also learned that I was not going to be the first to teach Cambria to doggie paddle.  Some retired lady from the University of Toledo was going to do the honors.
Now fast forward two hours.  
I hear my mom come in talking about how Cambria is truly a fish and Cambria went under the water and Cambria kicked her feet..blah...blah...blah.  But when I see Cambria-baby snuggled in her car seat after her first swim lesson she is SOUND asleep.  I guess she didn't realize that doggie paddling takes so much out of you.

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