Saturday, May 31, 2008

Off to the Beach...Sans Daschund

So the lack of attention has gotten worse. My owners used to pack me up in the car and take me down to Redondo Beach for a nice walk....ocean breeze blowing past my ears. BUT... I have been replaced. Cambria now gets to go to see the great Pacific while I hang out at home in the backyard.


Rowdy and Bette said...

Poor Frank. :(

Frankly, we couldn't imagine such mistreatment, but things will get better buddy, hang in there.

Your pals,
Joey and Magggie
The Long and Short of it All

Aunt Netta said...

Dear Frank,
Cambria won't always be this tiny-in fact (I know you don't believe this) but you will like playing with her!
Aunt Netta