Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Tipping the Scales

You know how I mentioned earlier that I really like to eat...well...so does Cambria. She went to the doctor today and weighed in at 7lbs, 12oz. Anyway, that means she gained 10 whole ounces from her last doctor's appointment (I hear she lost 4 oz after she was born).

1 comment:

Cara Jo said...

Poor Frank. Well, he will get used to Cambria and before you know it, they will be best buds!

Your little Fish is the cutest little guppy in the whole pond! What I love most about her though is that SHE WAS BORN ON MY BIRTHDAY, Erin!

Congrats to you and the rest of the Fish family on the new arrival!! Enjoy your time off! Take care!

Cara Gilds