Monday, June 1, 2009

Cupcake Princess

A couple weeks ago, the house was a flutter with suitcases.  I know what that means...I am being left home alone with Harley, AGAIN.  However, this time was different.  The kid had a special shirt that said "Birthday Girl" and her car seat was turned around in the car.  What I learned later, Cambria got to go to California to see Grammie Barbara (no fair) to eat cupcakes...with monkeys on them, no less.  Sometimes it sucks to not be the cupcake Princess...or my case...Prince.


gayle said...

My mom made me some dog cookies that are better than cupcakes! She is going to give some to your mom for you so be on the lookout for them. I have trained her to make me cookies that are good for me without all that preservative junk in them, let me know how you like them. I got my summer haircut thank goodness...looks like I lost 10#s and thats alot for a wiener dog like us...see you soon dude!

Aunt Netta said...

Well you boys are always up to something. I kind of like my rounded look however my mom (Netta) thinks we both are FAT! She even got me lo-cal snacks (Pup-Corn). Now if I can distract the mean evil and bossy Elvis I can get more treats when she isn't looking. You boys need to come to Arkansas it is beautiful here.